About Us

This VAT Calculator is specially made for UK people. But other country users can also use it to find the VAT inclusive or exclusive rate from the given value. Also, the VAT rates vary for different countries. Therefore, we already have given the feature to change the VAT rates. So, users can change it and calculate the VAT for any country.

Online VAT Calculator

Why We Created This Tool?

We created this tool in response to recent VAT rate changes. Also, we could not find a similar website on the internet that allows users to adjust the VAT rate. So, we got the idea from there and developed this VAT calculator. It provides business users and individuals with access to change the VAT rate. Even more, they can easily add or deduct the VAT from any Net or Gross figure.

Our tool determines the VAT that businesses charge on goods or services sold in UK. In addition, if the gross value of goods and services subject to VAT is known, it determines the Net price and VAT. In short, you can find VAT inclusive or exclusive both prices in one place.

How Does VAT Calculator Work?

It takes two inputs from the users.

  1. Initial Amount (VAT included or excluded)
  2. VAT Rate in Percentage

Also, there are two buttons "Add VAT" and "Remove VAT".

  • The "Add VAT" button will include the percentage of VAT(%) in the Net price and gives the Gross price and VAT.
  • Similarly, the "Remove VAT" button will exclude the percentage of VAT(%) in the Gross price and gives Net price and VAT.

Above all operations are performed in the back-end. Also, it works on pre-defined algorithms that give you 100% accurate and fast results. No need to use the physical calculator. Just keep our tool handy. It will save you time and effort.